: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
W1 : W2
Winslow Psychiatric Care Facility

Winslow Psychiatric Care Facility
A facility to which Jessica Priest was taken after murdering her family. At the facility she received drug and electro-shock treatments to try to "fix" her murderous tendencies, but she still managed to kill two fellow patients while there.
Witch Killer

Witch Killer
A killer named AJ Ritter who hunted and murdered witches following the Malleus Maleficarum as a guidebook. AJ lived under a curse centuries old that was placed upon the descendant of Nicholas Noyes, a man involved in the Salem Witch Trials of 1692.

In his attempt to escape the curse, AJ murdered several modern Wiccans and was arrested by Sam and Twitch.
71, 72, 107, 110, 111

When Sam and Twitch went to a strip club to 'relax', they found it was filled with patrons brawling in a trance-like state. Sam used his gut instincts as a detective to find the culprit - a man whose presence seemed to be causing the chaos. Sam and Twitch chased after the man, but outside they only found a woman whose throat had been ripped out.

Later, the mysterious man went to Rat City and lured Spawn into the Dead Zone. It was then that he revealed he is a vampire named Wolfram and that he works for Heaven.

Using the Dead Zone to his advantage, Wolfram attacked the defenseless Spawn but was stopped by the intervention of Bootsy. Bootsy reminded Wolfram that he was not sanctioned to kill on the spot, and that Spawn would be no good to them if he was destroyed.

Some time later, Wolfram was tracked down by the ultra-religious vampire Simon Pure. Wolfram reiterated that he wanted nothing to do with Pure or his "Kingdom", but Pure had not come to recruit. Instead, he told Wolfram that there would be no room in the new world for rogue beasts such as him and he cut Wolfram's head off.

As it turned out, this did not kill Wolfram. His head was recovered by the demons Ab and Zab, who brought it to Spawn for questioning. Wolfram explained to Spawn who Simon Pure and his Kingdom were, and offered his advice on how to defeat them.


Shortly after returning to Earth after his war in Hell, Al Simmons joined the Southpaws Gym to retrain himself to fight without his powers, and to maybe find some allies.

Worm is one of several fellow patrons that began to befriend Al, particularly over their shared military backgrounds. Worm is ex-A-r Force, and an Irag vet.

Wyatt Burke

Wyatt Burke
A young bully of Christopher Welland. Wyatt often taunted Christopher by daring him to climb the old water tower despite Chris' bad leg. One day while walking to his grandmother's house, Chris decided to prove Wyatt wrong by climbing the tower after all. He succeeded, but fell into the septic water and drowned.
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