: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Sam and Twitch 4
Image: Trent
* Shown but not named
  - Book: Sam and Twitch
  - Issue: 4
  - Date: November 1999
  - Writer(s): - Brian Michael Bendis
  - Artist(s):
- Angel Medina
- Jonathan Glapion
- Ashley Wood
- Richard Starkings
- Oscar Gongora
- Todd Broeker
- Jay Fotos
- Drew Hutchison
  - Notes: (N/A)
- Udaku Part 4

Sam visits the wife of his former partner just killed by teh mysterious flu virus. Asked whether she knows what "Udaku" means she has no idea. Meanwhile, Twitch searches the police files and databases for any information on the word.

Deciding that it might be Russian, Sam and Twitch visit a russian pawn shop owner to ask him what it means. When asked, the man abruptly shoots himself in the head. The detectives glimpse the man in the fedora outside and give chase.
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