: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Spawn 56
Image: Trent
* Shown but not named
  - Book: Spawn
  - Issue: 56 (74470 code)
  - Date: December 1996
  - Writer(s): - Todd McFarlane
  - Artist(s):
- Greg Capullo
- Todd McFarlane
- Danny Miki
- Tom Orzechowski
- Brian Haberlin
- Dan Kemp
- Jason Gorder
(Art Assists)
  - Notes: - This is a newsstand edition. It is printed on newsprint paper and has a barcode on the front cover.
- There are two different barcodes for this issue.
This code is: 0 74470 33241 1 56
- Kahn

Major Forsberg was a brilliant military strategist who fixated on the life of Genghis Kahn. While working for Jason Wynn, he was directed to help plan Wynn's rise to power using the lessons he had learned from studying Kahn.

When Wynn became displeased with Forsberg's efforts, he had him imprisoned and his family slaughtered. Years later, Spawn and Terry have decided that Forsberg may be of some use to them so they will attempt a rescue operation.
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