: The unofficial guide to Spawn Comics, Toys, and more!
Spawn 73
Image: Trent
* Shown but not named
  - Book: Spawn
  - Issue: 73 (14302 code)
  - Date: June 1998
  - Writer(s):
- Todd McFarlane
- Brian Holguin
  - Artist(s):
- Greg Capullo
- Danny Miki
- Todd McFarlane
- Chance Wolf
- Tom Orzechowski
- Brian Haberlin
- Dan Kemp
- Brent Ashe
(Interior Inks)
(Interior Inks)
(Art Design)
  - Notes: - This is the newsstand edition. It is printed on newsprint paper and has a barcode on the front cover.
- There are two different barcodes for this issue.
This code is: 0 14302 94568 6 73
- 1st appearance of the Heap
- The Heap (Heap/Greenworld storyline part 1 of 3)

Disappointed with their progress, Cog tries to help Sam and Twitch by delivering a dossier to them about Al Simmons. In Rat City, Eddie Beckett is stabbed and left for dead. The stolen necroplasm by his side saves his life, however, and merges hims with the refuse of the alleys to create the being known as the Heap.
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